Milton Hill Dental Blog

How to Handle a Knocked-Out Tooth

January 16, 2025

Dental emergencies can happen out of the blue. Whether you took a blow to the face while playing contact sports or were in an accident, knocking out a tooth can be alarming. When you are in pain and panic mode, it can be difficult to know what to do. Continue reading to learn which steps to take if you have a knock-out tooth to give your dentist the best chance of saving it.


Is Facial Swelling a Dental Emergency?

November 23, 2024

A man holding a bag of ice to his cheek

Whether you know what is causing it or not, a swollen face can be very alarming. If you notice your cheeks have become full and puffy, it is important to seek assistance from your emergency dentist. Here are a few common causes of facial swelling, and why you should never ignore it!


The Beauty of Botox: Which Facial Wrinkles Can It Treat?

September 6, 2024

older woman with facial wrinkles

Your face serves as a time capsule, giving others insight into your daily lifestyle habits and memories. Whether it’s glabellar lines caused by a demanding and stressful job or crow’s feet that form because of all the smiling you do when thinking about your children and grandchildren, wrinkles can be a blessing and a curse depending on how you look at them. While you may appreciate the memories, you might want them to remain in your mind, not on your face. Keep reading to discover which types of age lines Botox can treat and how you can prepare to turn back the clock for a more youthful look.


Blending Science & Beauty: How Dentists Color-Match Dental Crowns

August 7, 2024

A dentist using a shade guide to color-match a dental crown

If you’re looking into dental crowns, you may know that modern ones don’t just protect teeth. They also match your enamel’s shade and blend seamlessly with the rest of your smile. But don’t you also want to learn how dentists color-match dental crowns? Grasping that point would help you feel more confident in your treatment, making the dental work smoother. The good news is that it’s pretty simple – keep reading to let your Milton dentist explain.


Royal Recovery: What to Expect from Your Dental Crown

July 5, 2024

Animated tooth placing a dental 'crown' on its head

If you have a severely damaged or decayed tooth, are getting a dental implant, or will soon undergo a root canal procedure, then there’s a good chance that you’ll be fitted with a dental crown. Your dentist can use these prosthetics to protect and preserve injured teeth or cap an implant. They’re made from beautiful, durable materials to restore your smile’s appearance and functionality.

Once it’s in place, it’s important to follow your dentist’s aftercare instructions in detail to keep your mouth happy and healthy. Continue reading to learn about 3 tips for a smooth recovery once you’ve received your dental crown!


Can You Have Botox Injected into Your Neck?

March 5, 2024

patient receiving Botox in neck

Botox is a popular injectable solution that is used for cosmetic reasons. It is commonly used to address facial wrinkles and wrinkles in the forehead for a smoother, younger appearance. It can also effectively address wrinkles in the neck. If you’re looking to reduce the appearance of neck lines and achieve a more youthful look, Botox injections may be the solution you’re seeking.


I Grind My Teeth: Can I Still Get Invisalign?

January 12, 2024

Lady grinds teeth

Invisalign has allowed many people to enjoy straighter, healthier smiles, but you might be wondering if it can work if you have a teeth-grinding habit. Invisalign works by providing the patient with a series of custom-fitted aligners designed to shift their teeth over time. Does teeth grinding damage the clear aligners? Do the clear aligners provide the teeth with any protection? Here’s what you should know about how Invisalign works if you grind your teeth.


When Are Invisalign Refinements Necessary?

December 17, 2023

Woman in dentist’s chair holding a clear alignerIf you’ve invested in Invisalign to fix your bite and alignment, you’ve made a great decision. Your cosmetic dentist used state-of-the-art technology to map the movement of your teeth using clear aligners. Each aligner applies continual pressure to your teeth to move them in small increments. Invisalign offers predictable results, but complications can arise. If your teeth don’t move as predicted, your dentist may recommend refinements. Less than 6% of people require additional aligners after already beginning their treatment. There isn’t any reason to worry. Here are the benefits of Invisalign refinements.


Smooth Talk: 5 BOTOX Myths Debunked

November 17, 2023

A woman smiling after her BOTOX treatment

In the realm of cosmetic enhancements, BOTOX has become a household name. It’s become associated with long-lasting youth and beauty, a real-life fountain of youth. Just like the mythical fountain, it has had many myths pop up around it over the years. Many misconceptions about BOTOX persist despite its scientific and aesthetic merits.

If you’re considering BOTOX for yourself, continue reading. You’ll uncover the truth and dispel five common myths surrounding this widely used cosmetic treatment.


7 Dental Implant Terms You Don’t Know but Probably Should

July 12, 2023

Woman in dental chair holding dental implant model as dentist points at different parts with a pen

If you’ve been thinking about dental implants, you already have a lot to consider. At your initial consultation, you might hear your dentist throw around some unfamiliar words. Your dentist definitely doesn’t want you to be confused. As such, here is a breakdown of 7 common dental implant terms that you might not know but probably should.

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